In case you love coffee, but cannot spare money or don’t want to spend money on the fancy and costly espresso machines, you may consider buying Moka Pot for your Fresh Brew Coffee.
It’s a little stovetop espresso coffee maker which helps you in making a wonderful cup of coffee at home within a low budget.
A Moka pot may be defined simply as a stove top pot of coffee. The pot brews coffee simply by pushing pressurised and boiling water through steam and the coffee is grounded in the coffee pot.
Moka pot was mainly invented by Luigi de Ponti, an Italian man and it was later patented in 1933 by Alfonso Bialetti. This same coffee pot is now sold as Moka Express through Bialetti Industries. The coffee pot is quite popular in Europe and Latin America especially Italy, Portugal and Spain.
The current model of the coffee machine comes in stainless steel and polished aluminium or combination of porcelain and stainless steel or plastic and stainless steel. Moka pot comes in different capacities and range from 1 to 12 cups.
The machine is very simple and this is what makes it so popular. Anyone can easily use it as there are no frills gadgets for preparing a wonderful cup of coffee.
Along with this and related to rise of Italian fascism also came the revolution in habits of drinking of Italian population. It may sound very peculiar, but something that’s known as Italian way of brewing coffee at home is Moka Pot. Brewing is primarily linked with social, economic and technological changes that the Italian fascism mainly advanced during 1930s. In an article by Prof. Jeffrey T. Schnapp” the romance with caffeine and aluminium” covers the concept in depth. Schnapp shows the way Italians wish to move in the age of modernity in early 20 th century. It was considered to be a marriage between 2 very different things, aluminium and caffeine. Aluminium and caffeine are the 2 materials which carry some common symbolism which links them with modernity. Speed, light, mobility, energy, strength as well as electricity are the terms which fit both the materials and they are also associated with new lifestyle which is desired by the modern day men.
That is how espresso coffee was born and that is how it became popular amongst masses. Today, there are people who just can’t do without a cup of coffee. They need coffee to start their day.
Now in the modern Age, Bialetti Industries has emerged as a giant in the Coffee equipment industry with its most iconic product- The Bialetti Moka Express and to add to that another array of Moka pots varying from color to functionality to sizes etc. The entire Bialetti range is available on the Coffeeworkz Webpage.